Author(s): Furlong, C.
Published in: 2015
Pages: 44
Publisher: Water, Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC) and Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP)
SFD Report - Nakuru, Kenya SFD Promotion Initiative
Nakuru is the fourth largest town in Kenya, lying within the Rift Valley and covering an area of 290 km2. Less than 30% of the population is served by the sewerage network, while the majority of the population use onsite sanitation services, predominantly in the form of basic or traditional pit latrines. Formal emptying services for fecal sludge has limited coverage, with the fecal sludge removed by tanker services taken to the sewage treatment plant. Nakuru Municipal Council is currently responsible for service provision and regulating sanitation services.
This SFD Report was created through desk based research by WEDC (Water, Engineering and Development Centre), Loughborough University as part of the SFD Promotion Initiative with the support of Water Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP) Kenya and Nakuru County Government.
Date of production: 17/11/2015
Last update: 01/12/2015
SFD, Nakuru, Kenya, sanitation, onsite urban sanitation, offsite urban sanitation, pit latrines, treatment plants