Author(s): Harada, H., Schoebitz, L., Strande, L.
Published in: 2015
Pages: 35
Publisher: Eawag/Sandec The Department of Sanitation, Water and Solid Waste for Development (Sandec) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag)
SFD Report - Danang, Vietnam SFD Promotion Initiative
Danang is located at the South Central Coast of Vietnam. It is the fourth most populated city in the country with approximately 1,007,400 inhabitants in 2014 (GSO 2015). The total land area of the city is 1,285 km2, including 65 km2 of residential area (GSO 2015). Sixty-two percent (62%) of the excreta flow was classified as unsafe management along the sanitation service chain (containment, emptying, transport and/or treatment). Good transportation of the faecal sludge to a treatment plant followed by it being treated is crucial for improving the excreta flow in Danang.
The Shit Flow Diagram (SFD) was created through desk-based research by Sandec (Sanitation, Water and Solid Waste for
Development) of Eawag (the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology) with the support of the Kyoto University, Japan, The University of Danang, Vietnam and the Danang University of Technology, Vietnam.
Date of production: 13/11/2015
Last update: 16/12/2015
SFD, Danang, Vietnam, wastewater, household, excreta, groundwater, pollution, septic tanks, soak pits, faecal sludge