Author(s): Veses, O., Dinku, H., Evans, B., Peal, A.
Published in: 2016
Pages: 38
Publisher: University of Leeds, United Kingdom
SFD Report - Bure, Ethiopia SFD Promotion Initiative
Bure is located 400 km north of the capital Addis Ababa and 148 km south west of Bahir Dar and is within the Amhara State, Western Gojjam Administrative Zone of Ethiopia. It has a total urban population of 27,386 people. The number of Open Defecation is only 2%. Nevertheless, none of the city's excreta is delivered to a treatment plant. Therefore, only 33% of the city's excreta is safely managed, while 67% is unsafely managed.
SFD; report; Bure; Promotion; Initiative; Ethiopia