Author(s): CWIS TA Hub & ENPHO
Published in: 2019
Pages: 8
Publisher: City-Wide Inclusive Sanitation Technical Assistance Hub (CWIS TA Hub, South Asia); Environment and Public Health Organization (ENPHO)
SFD Lite Report - Nagarjun Municipality, Nepal
Nagarjun Municipality is located in Kathmandu district in Province no. 3 of Nepal. The total population of the municipality is 67,420 people residing in 16,746 households. The major sources of drinking water in Nagarjun Municipality are public water supply, well, springs and stream water. More than half of the population of Nagarjun Municipality is dependent on the sewer system followed by lined tanks with impermeable walls and open bottom, user interface directly connected to open drain, lined pits with semi-permeable walls and open bottom and fully lined tanks connected to a soak pit. The emptying frequency widely varies for each containment as they are not built in a standard way. Both mechanical (67%) and manual (33%) emptying were found. Despite more than half of the population have access to the sewer facility, the municipality lacks treatment facilities for treating wastewater and faecal sludge. All the wastewater, supernatant and emptied faecal sludge gets finally discharged in Manmati and Bhadramati Rivers.
SFD; Shit Flow Diagram; excreta disposal; sewers; sanitation; faecal sludge management; septic tank;