Author(s): CSE
Published in: 2020
Pages: 9
Publisher: Centre for Science and Environment
SFD Lite Report - Jamalpur, India
Jamalpur is also known as the Rail City of Bihar. It was established during the British rule for manufacture and repair of wagons, coaches, cranes. The city is located at a distance of 170 km east of Patna and 470 km North West of Kolkata. It is well connected with the rest of the country through rail and road networks.
The average annual rainfall of the district is 1231 mm and about 80% of the rainfall is received during June to September by south-west monsoon. Ground water level varies from 3mbgl to 10mbgl. During summer, temperatures rise up to 420C, while in winter it dips down 20C. The city has a diverse landscape ranging from hills to flood plains. The major geomorphic units are rocky upland, pedi plain and alluvial plain.
As per Census 2011, Jamalpur Nagar Parishad (JNP) has population of 105,434 of which 56,072 are males while 49,362 are females. Jamalpur Nagar Parishad has a total administration of over Table 1: Population Growth rate Jamalpur City 20,372 households. As per CDP, the city had 15 slums housing 5% of the city population but currently there are no notified slums. The population of Jamalpur is projected to be 1.52 lakhs in 20301. Currently the population of the city is 130530 residing in 25218 households as per the survey done by JNP for census 2021.