Author(s): Mishra, M., Thripathi, A.
Published in: 2020
Pages: 10
Publisher: Centre of Science and Environment
SFD Lite Report - Cuttack, India
This report was compiled as part of the SFD Promotion Initiative project funded by Deutsche Gesellschaftfür Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).
Cuttack is located at 20Ë31'23â N and 85Ë47'17â E. The city has a tropical wet and dry climate. Temperatures may exceed 45Ëc in summer and may fall below 10ËC in winter. It gets most of its annual rainfall of 144 cm from July to October (CMC). Due to the proximity to the coast, Cuttack is prone to floods and cyclones from Bay of Bengal (National Policy On Disaster Management, 2009). Major soil types of the city are Alfisol, Ultisol and Entisol. Depth of groundwater in pre and post monsoon ranges between 1.56-8.17 mbgl and 0.44-5.38 mbgl respectively (Central Ground Water Board, 2013).