23. There are containment technologies in my city that are connected to technologies not listed in the SFD selection grid. What should I do?

There are many terms used to describe the locations that a containment technology can be connected to, so it is not possible to include them all on the SFD selection grid; therefore generic terms have been used for the options in List B along the top of the grid. In making the right selection, it is important to consider how the system functions, rather than just what it is called locally. For example, in some cities toilets discharge to covered drains, which are not shown on the SFD selection grid as an option. When producing an SFD it is recommended that where possible discussions are held with stakeholders to ensure that the functionality of each system is understood. You can use the Sanitation System Classification Tool to help select from the SFD selection grid the correct sanitation systems in use in your city. If you require any assistance in classifying the system you are considering the SFD Helpdesk would be happy to help you.