Start of the SFD Promotion Initiative (SFD PI) Phase III

We are delighted to be able to share the news that the third and final phase of the SFD PI has started. Read on in the SuSanA Discussion Forum and learn about the new phase and what has been going on since the last update in March 2019. 


Launch of CSE's SFD Phase 3 activities in collaboration with the Ministry of Jal Shakti in India

The phase 3 was officially launched in collaboration with the Ministry of Jal Shakti in India, in collaboration with WaterAid Bangladesh for South Asia, as well as in collaboration with WRC in South Africa. The brochure can be found here in the library.

Lessons learned from global implementation of SFDs

This paper describes a methodology for rapid assessment of sanitation in cities including a graphical representation (a shit-flow diagram or SFD) and reports on findings from implementation in 39 cities. The paper provides evidence of the urgent need for improved management and monitoring of urban sanitation in cities around the world and highlights the role of the SFD as a planning tool. Please find it here in the library.